Celebrating Our 60th Anniversary
To commemmorate TBA’s 60th anniversary, we are working on several projects that tell our collective story. It is about all of us, our congregation, and the stories about how we got here, to this moment in time. This is our celebration about our journey that brings us together, today. 60 years, countless stories, one community. We want to hear from each and every member through one (or more!) of our 60th projects -- check out the project links below for more information on how to get involved. There will be opportunities to participate in projects before and during our exhibit!
Let the Celebration Begin!
Our 60th anniversary projects will culminate in a weeklong interactive museum style exhibit from April 26-May 3, 2024. The exhibit will be carefully crafted to foster a profound sense of belonging through interactive experiences that are tailored to our community. We are still finalizing the events and hours but save the dates for our museum opening on April 26 at our Family Shabbat Service. The exhibit will wrap up on May 3 with a special Jazz Shabbat Service followed by a dessert reception. Stay tuned for additional programs and dates.
We are conducting one-on-one interviews with our TBA seniors to learn a little bit about their life journeys . We will collect insights, experiences, and stories that may be related to their Jewish identities, as well as...
We all have that stash of personalized Yarmulkes from our children’s Bar/Bat Mitzvahs or collection of colorful Kippahs from our friends’ simchas. Why not put them to good use?!
Join us for a special group photo on March 10, 2024.

Have you joined TBA within the last few years? If so, we are hoping that you and your family will join us for the new member podcast project. Click here for session dates and to book your time slot.

We want to hear from you about your connection to TBA. Over the next few months, we’ll be collecting submissions from every member. Sharing your story is a gift you can give to TBA. Help us reach 60 responses, enter your story here.
We'd love to capture stories from those who participated in TBA trips to Israel. Please use some or all of the questions in the survey link below to help inspire your stories or tell us one of your own. Please take a moment to fill it out this survey. If you have photos to shares...

From our Early Learning Students to our Midrasha students and every grade in between our children are hard at work practicing tikkun olam - social action and the pursuit of social justice for others...